Forecasting Consultation
Astrological Forecasting for the Year Ahead
Service Description
*Must have had a Natal Chart reading done prior with Alexandria Consulting Services. Once we have established your natal chart promise and how planets and other major astrological points act within your chart, we can then decode what is currently happening in your life right now, and the year ahead! Every year, month, week, day and hour bring different energies to each of us. Time, as we know it, and the planets in the sky are always moving – thus change is the only constant that we have. By knowing how the planets’ energies unfolded in the past gives us a glimpse and understanding of how they might interact in the future. There is a wide range how planetary energies manifest, and thus predicting the future is foolish (in my humble opinion), but empowering oneself to take initiative and use the different energies to make decisions can feel like a superpower to take charge of one’s life! This consultation will give you an idea of what the overall major factors (and energies) are at play for you, which areas of your life are affected as well as find out the right times for pushing ahead or holding off on moving forward, until more beneficial times are able to surface. Forecasting Consultation includes: Looking through the year ahead with highlights on both opportunities and challenges Chart consultation on planetary transits for the year ahead Consultation on your Solar Arc placements and SA Shadow placements Moon Families including solar and lunar eclipses for the year Recommendations for how to best navigate and use the upcoming energies & transits.
Cancellation Policy
Due to the large amount of time that goes into preparing and translating charts for consultations, any appointments cancelled within less than 48 hours are considered forfeit. If you have to cancel the appointment please do so at your earliest convenience, by emailing Appointments are only confirmed once payments are made, the Disclaimer has been signed and there is confirmation and receipt of both. If Alexandria Consulting Services needs to reschedule, a new appointment can be created at the earliest possible time that is mutually convenient. Any astrological information in a consultation is not to replace trained medical, psychological or financial experts' advice that clients receive. Prior to any consultation clients must sign the Alexandria Consulting Services Disclaimer.
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