Hello Astrology Friends,
How are you all doing during this wild Eclipse season? Are you all ready for the Solar Eclipse coming on Monday, April 8th, 2024?! It will happen at 19°24 Aries, in full conjunction with Chiron, the Wounded Healer. May we all gain greater understandings that the wounds we carry within us are also the key to our ultimate healing.
Aries Solar Eclipse, Monday April 8th, 11:21 A.M., P.S.T., San Francisco, CA, USA

During a Solar Eclipse the Sun and Moon are together on the same side of the Earth creating a New Moon, and During the eclipse the Moon moves in front of the Sun, blocking the light for us here on Planet Earth. You can find out info on watching the Eclipse and its path at NASA’s website here. I personally prefer to focus on the astrological meaning of the upcoming Solar Eclipse.
The New Moon means new beginnings and this Eclipse is especially important as it is considered a Total Eclipse as the conjunction of the Sun and Moon are in very close proximity to the North Node, which is where the path of the Sun, perceived here on Planet Earth, conjoins with the path of the Moon. The North Node is connected to the Future, our Karma, and where we are heading, and the opposite point, the South Node is connected to the past.
In Modern Humanistic and Psychological Astrology, when the Moon covers the light of the Sun, we are having an Eclipse of the Ego, the Self, and the path we are on. There can be revelations, new information arising, and insights emerging that we haven’t contemplated before. In many cultures the Sun has also been referred to as “The King” and for example in ancient Mesopotamian times there was a surrogate King brought to the throne during a Solar Eclipse, so if an attack occurred, the real King could be saved.
As mentioned before, this Solar Eclipse is in exact conjunction, to the minute, with the Asteroid Chiron. Chiron, the Centaur, was a Teacher and Healer, known for his skills in medicine, botany, and the science of herbs. There are many variations of Chiron’s story on how he got wounded, but a main point of the myth is that once he was wounded, he could not help himself, though he did continue to always help others. At the very end he traded in his immortality, so he could end his suffering, and ultimately healing emerged even for him.
This upcoming Solar Eclipse will give us insights on our wound-and-healing journeys and help us unravel the stories so we can move toward our destined futures, ideally with the keys for healing within our grasps… If only it were that simple… Even though insights, information and new situations will arise, and timelines for everyone will be sped up by the Eclipse, there will be plenty of confusion, blocks along the way, and ample misinformation floating about during this Eclipse.
Mars, the ruler of Aries and the ruler of the Eclipse is in Pisces and in conjunction with Saturn, so forward movement is thwarted and figuring out where to go and what to do, will be difficult. The best way to use this energy is to not push forward, but rather surrender and find help through your own spiritual toolset. Focus on breath, meditation, empathy, and compassion. Find the path of least resistance and float through this confusing time, ideally on a boat on a river! Any altruistic work, volunteering and helping others is also useful during this time, though of course it is always useful, but especially now it is a great way to use the energies at hand.
Mercury began its retrograde at 27° Aries on April 2nd and will continue to trace his steps backwards through the Zodiac until April 26th, arriving at 15° Aries. Thus, instead of moving ahead at the fast pace that Aries energy beckons, we all need to slow down, reflect, review and revisit information coming through the ethers.
Friday the 12th of April Mercury Retrograde and the Sun will be in conjunction at 22° Aries starting a brand-new Sun and Mercury cycle. This new cycle in Aries relates to ourselves, who we are, who we think we are, who we want to be, what we want to say, how we express ourselves etc. Perhaps through this Eclipse and Mercury Retrograde time we can find our way to be more authentic in our self-expression, actions and communications moving forward.
Ironically this Aries Mercury Retrograde is also the first of the next six Mercury Retrogrades all taking place, beginning or ending, in fire signs! From now till November 2025, we are all asked to reconsider and review, what sparks joy into our hearts, how we are being creative and true to ourselves. Are we being overly bold, pushy, extravagant and passionate, or are we not even entertaining those aspects within ourselves? All these retrogrades will relate to the fire inside ourselves, our creativity, joy, enthusiasm, and passions in our lives.
So, in a nutshell, if you can wait on big decisions or signing contracts, it is best to wait till May 14th and we will finally be out of Mercury’s Shadow Retrograde, information will be running more easily, and most of the Eclipse mayhem should be sorted out. ;)
There is one more BIG aspect I must share about, coming on April 20th, and that is Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 22° Taurus! This is one of the most exciting aspects of this year, and Astrologers around the World have been waiting for this for a while. Uranus has been in Taurus since May 2018, staying there consistently since 2019, and thus erratically changing values from all Taurean signatures of value systems, necessities, and money: income fluxes, bit coin, baby milk, you name it!
Jupiter, known as Zeus, “King of the Gods” or “The Great Benefic of the Solar System”, brings optimism and enthusiasm to wherever he goes. And, of course, as with any aspect there is Yin and Yang, the positive with the negative, so we can’t expect just the ‘good things’ to arrive. Jupiter also exaggerates, expands and pushes situations overboard.
So, you can definitely expect the unexpected: amazing opportunities may come to you, inflation and currencies will shift, and be sure you have an earthquake safety plan if you live in earthquake-prone areas!
So, dear ones, I wish you all blessings for the Solar Eclipse, a clarifying time of reveal, filled with opportunities to grow, flourish, and heal.
Lia Sabbatini
Alexandria Consulting Services