Hello Astro Friends,
Ready for another squeeze? We have quite a fiery Full Moon approaching, hold on tight, as things are about to get crunchy!
Thursday October 17th Full Moon in Aries, San Francisco, CA, 4:26 A.M., P.S.T.

Every month we get a full moon, reflecting what has been going on, illuminating stories to light, and gifting the ability to see and feel the fruits of our labors. As the Sun continues its journey in Libra, fall is in full swing, and life keeps pulling us in different directions, we must find balance in our lives. It is imperative to strike an equilibrium, specifically within our relationships, so there is equal give and take, and harmony can prevail. If you haven’t made the efforts to balance things and relationships, this Aries Full Moon will wake you up to it!
During this full moon The Sun is in exact conjunction with asteroid Juno. In mythology, Juno is the wife of Zeus, also known as Hera, and astrologically she signifies how we relate to one another. In Libra there is the emphasis on peace, balance, and harmony, or perhaps also the Libra’esque indecisiveness and letting the partner decide to hold the peace.
Aries is about the self, and it questions: “what do I want”, “what do I need”, “what about me”?! During an Aries Moon one can expect shorter fuses, more assertiveness, but also strong impulses to act quickly and feel confident. The ruler of Aries is Mars, the Ruler of War, and so arguments may arise and some “me-first” behaviors. Aries also sparks us into action, like a fire igniting, suddenly one knows what to do and moves ahead full force, no questions asked.
The Full Moon in Aries is in exact conjunction to the asteroid Eris, who in mythology is the Goddess of Chaos and Discord. Eris was the one who threw the apple to the three Goddesses Aphrodite, Hera and Athena to figure out “who is the fairest of them all”, which was the precursor for the 10-year Trojan war. Thus, during this Aries Moon, we have Hera with the Sun, hoping for harmony in relationships, while Eris is conjuring up feelings of mayhem and discord, to perhaps start a fight…
Chiron, the Wounded Healer is also conjunct the Moon, bearing witness to both the wounds that are wide open, as well as carrying the magic of healing. If we could just truly look at ourselves, we may find the healing we need to tend our wounds. We all carry our own best medicines, we just need confront ourselves, and create our own healing.
Simultaneously, Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn make a square to the Full Moon, as they begin their three-times-opposition journey to one another, as Mars will station retrograde December 7th, 2024 – February 24th, 2025, and oppose Pluto:
- November 4th, 2024
- January 3rd, 2025
- April 27th, 2025
This is the recipe for the perfect storm, as wars are in full swing in so many places around the world. Can we stop another 10-year war, or the next World War, can we end these awful conflicts that continue to kill innocent people around the world? I pray that we do!
May these energetic frictions bring the leaders of our countries the necessary insights to change what is needed, in harmonious and non-aggressive ways. May we individually step in each others’ shoes, find balance, peace, and a way forward without bloodshed.
So, take this Full Moon time to strike a balance in your life and relationships, create time for yourself, acknowledge your own shortcomings and wounds so you can create your own remedies, and make a prayer for peace to prevail.
Wishing you all a transformative Full Moon time ahead.
Lia Sabbatini
Owner / Astrologer
Alexandria Consulting Services