Hello Astrology Friends,
Have you seen the beautiful waxing Moon in the night sky lately? If not, please go out and take a look! Earlier tonight, my family and I stepped outside after dinner, to listen to four neighborhood owls having an evening conversation from their four separate treetops, under the beautiful Moon next to the bright red planet Mars. Needless to say, Gemini rules birds, and even the owls are feeling the buzz in the air!
Wednesday night we are having a Gemini Full Moon Occultation, with the planet Mars. This means the Moon travels between Earth and Mars, creating a mini-Eclipse, for us all to have a reset in our lives around our Martian topics. Here is more info on the Mars Occultation.
Wednesday December 7th, 2022, 8:08 p.m. P.S.T., San. Francisco, CA, USA

Mars, known as the “God of War Ares”, in Greek Mythology, rules over our Assertion, the ways we Initiate Actions and how we Fight. Mars in Gemini fights with words and generally communication of all sorts. In the body, Gemini rules hands, arms and fingers, so be especially careful not to cut or hurt yourselves while energies run high in Gemini. Cars and motorized vehicles are also ruled by Gemini, and Mars here may have us driving faster than usual, so please be careful, slow down, and drive extra safe.
Mars has been retrograding since October 31st, 2022, and in its shadow phase started already at the very end of August 2022. During a Mars retrograde, instead of moving forward fast, we tend to internalize actions, re-assess our doings, re-visit them, and perhaps re-do them so they are better aligned with what we want our path to be going forward.
Through this powerful Moon Mars Occultation, we can expect full illumination to prevail, with perhaps new viewpoints on situations that have happened since the end of August. The Moon covering the light of Mars, gives us new perspectives and opportunities to fix situations or at least acknowledge where we might’ve gone awry down the path. Granted, there is also the possibility for the hot-headed Mars to go the other way, act brashly, and say wounding things one might regret later.
The ideal way to use this energy is by truly going inward and use the Sagittarian Sun energy to stay Positive and expand our Horizons, Thoughts and Beliefs. Take deep breaths to clear stagnancy from lungs and minds, exercise nervous energy out of the body, and raise your vibration to take the higher road of situations that come up over the next few days.
The Gemini Moon will be in a helpful sextile to Chiron in Aries, asking us to find true healing within ourselves. Only through the deepest wounds can we find that healing, so we should all be ready to look at the hard pieces of ourselves to find the Inner Warrior inside and true Healing!
The Full Moon is in a square to Neptune in Pisces which finally stationed direct on December 4th, thank Goddess, and has been retrograding since June 8th 2022. Neptune here, in a square to the Moon and Sun, can bring confusion and deception to hopefully be revealed – unless of course it continues to keep things concealed. Neptune blurs Boundaries and creates Illusions, but also pushes us to Higher Consciousness and Evolvement of our Souls. Neptune will still be co-present with the Great Benefic Jupiter till the Winter Solstice, December 21st, 2022, so these next few weeks are a great time to tap into our Spiritual Selves, reach for Higher Understanding and find Compassion for all.
Last, but not least, Saturn in Aquarius is creating a trine to the Full Moon, providing us the ability to pave a path forward, with structures that will hold in our communities and friendships for the next cycle ahead. Use Saturn’s patience and the Aquarian unconventionality to bring about creative solutions to situations that arise in the time ahead.
Wishing you all a safe and healing Full Moon!
Lia Sabbatini
Alexandria Consulting Services
Astrologer & Business Consultant