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New Moon in Cancer & More

Writer's picture: Lia SabbatiniLia Sabbatini

Hello Astro Friends,

We are in the midst of the New Moon in Cancer, a new beginning for sowing seeds, tapping into our emotional realms, feelings and nurturing ourselves and our families.


New Moon in Cancer, Friday July 5th, 3:57 pm, P.S.T. San Francisco, CA

This is a great time to tune into your own needs as well, making sure you are setting yourself up to feel safe and nurtured. Enjoy being home, caring for your sanctuary, cooking yummy foods, and setting up your comfort zone.


The New Moon sextile Mars and trine Saturn can give great us great stamina to methodically push ahead, plan timing accordingly, and setup foundations to hold us for the future.


Ceres, the Mother asteroid of Nurturing, is exactly opposite the New Moon at 14 degrees Capricorn, asking us once again to setup our goals, structures and systems to better care for ourselves and our families. Three times is a charm, so when we have three big astrological aspects pointing to the same issue, it is time to listen: setup your Home and Family for whatever it is your need in the foreseen future!


We have just entered an intense month. As many of you surely have been feeling, we just are coming out of a Mercury opposition Pluto (which was exact July 3rd) where power plays and dark secrets have been coming to light. Next, culminating Friday the 12th of July, Venus opposes Pluto, awakening our attractions and obsessions with the dark matters of the Soul and a pull to play with Danger. Stay out of those dark alleyways and perhaps just plan a comfy night in with your loved one, get ready for some deep conversations, or perhaps a deeply transformative night of lovemaking! ;)


July 15th, 2024, we have an explosive conjunction with Mars and Uranus, at the degree of the fixed star Algol at 26 degrees Taurus. Algol is considered by many astrologers the most dangerous star in our solar system. So, if you have your Sun, Moon or a personal planet (Mercury, Mars or Venus) between 25-27 degrees Taurus, please take July 15th off and stay cozy and careful at home.


July 23rd the Sun will also oppose Pluto, as it enters Leo, and we once again get to dive deep into the stories of the Underworld, Intensity and shining a light on the Hidden Stories in the depths of our consciousness.


In the meantime, Neptune just started its retrograde on July 2nd at 29°56 Pisces, moving backwards till December 8th, 2024. Neptune is known as “Poseidon, God of the Ocean” causing fog, confusion and blurry boundaries. On the other hand, Neptune is also the “Higher Octave of Venus” awakening our intuition, compassion, and interconnectedness. When Neptune stations retrograde, the energies intensify and cosmic downloads are palatable.

Wishing you all a great weekend and enjoy this New Moon Magic!




Lia Sabbatini

Owner & Astrologer

Alexandria Consulting Services

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