We are now in Eclipse season, a time when circumstances change rapidly, big decisions are made, and it feels like the world is in a fast-forward motion as we take leaps and bounds in situations that can change our lives in drastic ways.
Eclipses come in pairs, and Wednesday’s Sagittarius Full Moon Eclipse, will be followed by a Gemini Solar Eclipse on June 10th, 2021. An Eclipse happens when the New or Full Moon align with the Sun and the Moon’s Nodal axis (North & South Nodes). This axis is immensely powerful, as it is the crossing point in the Heavens where the Moon’s orbit literally crosses the path of the Sun from our viewpoint here on Earth. The nodal axis is said to point the karmic future (North Node / NN) as well as the karmic past (south node/SN). At this moment in Time, our NN has been in Gemini (since May 5th, 2020) emphasizing the importance of short distance travel, connecting solely with siblings, neighbors, and those at arm’s length apart from us. The SN in Sagittarius has been accentuating a certain ending of how we used to travel Long Distances, how our mingling with foreigners has been curved, and how the Search for Higher Understanding whether through Universities or Spiritual Organizations has changed from where it was prior to the Time we live in now.
Now we get to the core of what this specific Eclipse is about. There is a shift arising through these Eclipses in relation to what we have been doing in this last year. The focus is on how we are interacting with our immediate circles, our curtailed travels to foreign lands, as well as how we have been meeting with others. Do you still wear a mask while talking with others? Are you ready for the adventures that could be awaiting around the corner or are you still fearful about leaving your immediate environment you have been hibernating in for a year? We will continue to have this same Nodal Axis continuing through January 19th of 2022, so we are not at the end of the cycle but having more of an emphasis on it with changing paradigms. Perhaps the change manifesting is through a vaccine, homeopathic remedy, or something totally different. Either way these Gemini pieces of wanting to connect with others, as well as the yearning for adventure through Sagittarius is pulling us to take note of them and shift how we have been doing different situations in our lives.
Jupiter, the ruler of the Sagittarius Eclipsed Full Moon, is in a square to the Sun-Moon opposition, bringing in extra enthusiasm and optimism from Pisces. There is a possibility with Jupiter’s help to find Compassion and Intuitively feel what is the correct path, but on the flipside, Jupiter could also just be urging us to “let go” and escape reality! After a year plus of Pandemic Life, it feels people are ready to just “let go” and escape – for better and worse.
We are not fully done with the drama. Saturn stationed retrograde May 23rd and will stay retro through October 11th 2021. We are already in the throws of the next Saturn-Uranus square, with the exact culmination on June 14th and 15th . This square is emphasizing the ever-shifting ground and values beneath us (Uranus in Taurus) and how there are sudden changes and rebellion toward the structures we have within our communities (Saturn in Aquarius). Shake-ups, Revolt and Liberation is on the Horizon, through perhaps a tad softer with this second square in June, the third and last square will really break the stories into a new dimension, on December 24th 2021.
Mercury, the Winged Messenger, is also stationing retrograde on May 30th reminding us to Re-consider our Plans, Thoughts, and the ways we Communicate. Don’t fear the Mercury Retrograde, but rather take it as a moment to RE-evaluate, Re-imagine and Re-do things so that they flow better for both yourself, your relationships and your immediate surroundings. The Mercury conjunct Venus is highlighting the need to specifically Re-visit our relationships and our values. This is a time of Re-flection, not a time to push forward with new endeavors. New plans should wait till after June 23rd to avoid multiple Re-dos, cancellations and unnecessary changes to hoped plans.
If you live on the West Coast of the United States, get up early to watch the Full Moon turn red with the shadow of the Earth crossing over it. Here is the Pacific Daylight Time Schedule:
May 26, 2021, Full Moon Eclipse
- Partial umbral eclipse begins: 2:45 a.m. PDT
- Total eclipse begins: 4:11 a.m. PDT
- Greatest eclipse: 4:19 a.m. PDT
- Total eclipse ends: 4:26 a.m. PDT
- Partial umbral eclipse ends: 5:52 a.m. PDT
Tap into the Optimistic Sagittarius energy, get out into Nature and Adventure beyond your backyard! Let Jupiter awaken your Spiritual side with Compassion, trust your instincts and search for wisdom with this powerful Super Full Moon. To schedule an Astro consultation with me, please visit www.alexandriaconsultingservices.com and leave me a request for an appointment.
Lia Sabbatini
Alexandria Consulting Services
Astrologer & Business Consultant
P.S. Big thank you to https://www.deviantart.com/dark-crescent-moon/art/Unicorn-centaur-209881678 for the Centaur Unicorn Image!