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Scorpio New Moon

Writer's picture: Lia SabbatiniLia Sabbatini

Hello Astro Family,


Here we are in the middle of Autumn and embracing Scorpio Season. The weather is cooler, the leaves keep floating down, and the veil between the Land of the Dead and the living is thin. The Dia de los Muertos celebrations are underway and this is a time of remembering our loved ones that have crossed to the other side. Today we also have a potent New Moon in Scorpio!


Moon in Scorpio at 9°35’, 5:47 A.M., November 1st, 2024, San Francisco, CA, USA

Scorpio energy is multifaceted, and though it is mostly known as the deadly scorpion creature, it is just one of Scorpio’s manifestations. Often hiding in dark corners, and attacking when feeling threatened, the scorpion may even hurt themselves when attacking intruders intensely. It embodies raw instinctive and protective abilities with a hefty amount of resilience and determination.


The eagle is the second Scorpio manifestation, offering a bird’s eye view and a larger picture of situations at hand. The eagle’s heightened vision sees the smallest details, has adaptability for complex situations and keen awareness. On the other hand, the eagle can be prone to loneliness as it soars alone in the sky and keeps its nest away from others. The eagle offers visionary insights, loyalty, and fearlessness to Scorpio.


Lastly, the phoenix is the third manifestation of Scorpio energy, The fire bird that rises from its own ashes, rebirths itself, and finds transcendence. The phoenix combines the scorpion’s resilience and the eagle’s heightened vision with their own transformational nature. The phoenix knows how to let go of past hurts, heal, and move on, while continuing its determination and insights to find higher consciousness and meaning.


We all embody Scorpio energy somewhere in our lives. Do you know where Scorpio is in your astrological natal chart? If not sure, you can cast a chart for yourself at through their free horoscopes section, to at least figure out where this energy manifests for you:


First house: self and body

Second house: values, belief systems and belongings

Third house: communication, siblings, short distance travel, neighbors

Fourth house: home, ancestry, parents

Fifth house: creativity, children, romance, extracurricular activities

Sixth house: work, service, health

Seventh house: one-on-one relationships & partnerships

Eighth house: shared possessions, intimate relationships, death & transformation

Ninth house: higher education, philosophy, long-distance travel, spirituality, publishing

Tenth house: career, vocation, and public image

Eleventh house: friends, community, alliances

Twelfth house: unconscious mind, dreams, service, and sacrifice


The New Moon signifies a beginning of a new cycle, and in Scorpio this cycle is intertwined with its themes: the hidden, magic, psychology, committed relationships, sex, shared finances, taxes, legal commitments, death, rebirth, and transformation. Now is the time to plant the seeds of change in these scorpionic themes!


Scorpio in traditional astrology is ruled by Mars and in modern astrology ruled by Pluto and Mars. This New Moon showcases the first of the three dynamic Mars-Pluto oppositions that we will encounter during the next six months, thanks to the long Mars retrograde that takes place December 7th, 2024 – February 24th with deeper changes and its retrograde shadow having already begun on October 5th and ending on May 2nd, 2025.


Mars is assertion, action, and how we fight and protect. Pluto intensifies and changes whatever it touches, through the death and rebirth cycle, nothing stays the same once Pluto has his way.


This Mars-Pluto opposition is happening at the very last degrees of Cancer and Capricorn, just as Pluto still spends its last few weeks in Capricorn, before moving into Aquarius for good (the next 20 years) November 20th, 2024. This signals that the powers that be are at the end of their cycles. It is the last call from old, outdated authorities, trying to hold on to their power. Does this mean the wars will come to an end – one could only wish! There is enormous strength with this aspect for us to dive deep inside ourselves, let go of old hurts and plan what we want our future to hold. There is the possibility for the higher manifestation of Scorpio, the phoenix, to emerge, so let us hold that possibility open in our hearts.


The sextile from Mercury in Scorpio to Pluto, and the Mercury opposition Uranus, are awakening the thoughts of Revolution and the need for Freedom, and together with careful planning and well-executed actions, we can change the status quo. And, Neptune in Pisces sextile Pluto, could be just the needed magic of compassion and empathy that changes the mode of actions ahead.


Wishing you all a transformative New Moon in Scorpio time.




Lia Sabbatini

Owner / Astrologer

 Alexandria Consulting Services


P.S. Thank you to for the beautiful Scorpio-Eagle-Phoenix image and writeup.

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